
I provide with my research team expert advice and research on various financial, economic and quantitative topics faced by firms and institutions around the world. I am also highly interested to collaborate with the private sector and organizations to develop and implement various innovative ideas. To this aim, submissions to various funding instruments such as Innosuisse can be considered. My main areas of expertise are:

  • Finance: Impact analysis and fundamental research on international financial issues, asset pricing, portfolio construction, etc.
  • Macroeconomics: impact of monetary and fiscal policies, international trade, analysis of the business cycle and sectorial impact, etc.
  • Sustainability: Impact of regulation, sustainability criteria to investment, sustainability from a macro perspective, etc.
  • Innovation: Impact of innovation for the economy, digitization of the financial sector, integration of innovation to investment, etc.
  • Data and modeling: Data science, statistical modeling delivering actionable results and powerful visualizations
  • Public speaking: I would be happy to share my expertise for your various events and trainings

Feel free to contact me in order to elaborate together a plan for your project.

Ongoing projects

Bilateral Assistance and Capacity Building for Central Banks (BCC) Programme and Central Bank of Mongolia. Assessing the impact of a carbon tax for the Mongolian economy, 2024

World Health Organisation and World Bank. Nowcasting and forecasting SDG-related health economics indicators, 2023-2024

Completed projects

e.foresight (a banking trendscout owned by Swisscom). Digital benchmarking of Swiss and Liechtenstein private banking players, November 2023